Hearing Aid Evaluations

Active Lifestyle?

Listening at the Office?

Enjoy the Theater?
First Steps
The first step to a hearing aid evaluation is a complete hearing evaluation. After your hearing evaluation, the results will determine what will be best for you and your hearing goals. If a hearing aid is part of that determination, you will want to plan to spend some time discussing your personal hearing needs with your hearing care professional.
It is important to discuss how your hearing impacts your daily living so that you can be an active participant in finding the best hearing solutions for you and your lifestyle.
Evaluation Results
If the results of your hearing test reveals a permanent hearing loss, hearing aids may be recommended for one or both ears. Your hearing care professional will take the time to explain the different styles of hearing aids and the latest technological advances available in hearing aids.
You will work closely with your hearing care professional to determine the various features and the type of hearing aid technology based on your degree of hearing loss, budget and lifestyle.
You may be referred to a medical doctor or Lake ENT specialist (physician who specializes in disorders of the ear) if your hearing care professional feels that there are medical conditions that should be evaluated before hearing aids are recommended.

Next Steps…
After you and our Audiology and Hearing Aid staff make a determination as to what type of hearing aids best fit you and your lifestyle, we can set up an appointment for your hearing aid fitting.
Click here to read more about custom fitting your hearing aid.